Saturday, June 8, 2013

Top 3 Tips For Getting Facebook Fans

When it comes to advertising and marketing online, there is nothing like having a Facebook fan page that has a lot of fans.  Facebook fans will make your company look very trusted and it is a great way to draw in more potential customers.

Most people will admit that they will often go towards companies that have more fans because they feel like
it is a great way to determine if they are a trusted brand or company. If you are looking to learn how to get more Facebook fans, here are a few tips I have to share:

Tip #1 - Create Contests

This is a strategy that has helped other companies that are trying to get more fans. These contests will help you stay connected with your fans and to create a relationship that will help build your online presence.  You can give away little items like t-shirts or you can even give people discounts. The only thing that they will need to do is share your Facebook page and to tag a photo to your fan page. This causes their friends and family to see your page and thus gaining more fans.

Tip #2 - Utilize Other Sites Besides Facebook

Focusing exclusively on Facebook as this is not the best strategy for internet marketing. You will need to go over to websites like Twitter as a different source of traffic. You will then need to post about your Facebook page and have people join you on Facebook as well. Most people are members on both social networks and so it is a good idea to target them on both sides.

These are just simple ways to get more Facebook fans and to really increase your overall presence on the internet. Do these two things and you will start to see a big increase of fans on Facebook.

Tip #3 - Post Consistently

I recently attended a great Webinar with Mari Smith, a leading Social Media Strategist on Facebook where she shared her 7 Steps to Facebook Success.  One of the tips she gave in the Webinar was to be sure to post several times a day. Different people are online at different times and while you do not want to overwhelm your audience, posting consistently is just smart.  If you're interested in watching the Webinar (there is no cost) You can find it HERE

That's it for this week!  If you are a DIY kinda person and want to really ramp up your Facebook Marketing check out Mari's new program, "Extreme Fanbase Growth 2.0" she really is an expert and who I've been learning a lot from. (and yes, this is an affililtate link, but if you know me, I make very few recommendations and she really is good.)